Reels/Cases For Sale

#1 by Gwyn Morgan , Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:25 pm

I have the following for sale.
All are used second hand but there is nothing wrong with them just having a clear out.
I have made them up into batches as selling individual ones is a pain.
All batches are £5 postage for each batch unless combined.
STANDARD 8 mm spools
10 X 200 ft spools 50p per spool
8 X 400 ft spools £1 per spool
8x 400 ft spools £1 per spool
SUPER 8 mm spools
10 x200 ft spools 50p per spool
10 200 ft spools 50p per spool
8 X 400 ft spools £1 per spool
8 x400 ft spools £1per spool
PLASTIC SPOOL BOXES 16 square / round shape 400 ft £16 for the lot.
This is the price plus postage in the uk I have not worked out sending abroad because unless someone has the lot it's not worth it,so at present UK only please.

Gwyn Morgan
Posts: 1.537
Points: 4.718
Date registered 08.03.2015
home: Devon
ThankYou 275


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