THIS IS A PRIVATE FORUM... New members are welcome with approval from an existing member

#1 by Greg Perry , Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:13 am

[/b]ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: You must use your first name and last name as your User-ID/Log-In

For those wanting to create an account to post on this Forum, you MUST use your first name and last name as your User-ID!

For example, if your name is Jim Smith, your User-ID/Log-In MUST also be Jim Smith. We cannot approve new members who use anything other than their first and last names. So, please, no User-Id's like 'CineFilmGuy' etc.

All new members must obtain membership approval from a current and contributing Forum member. New members please have the existing member message one of the moderators via the Forum for subsequent review.

Due to numerous trolls across social media this is necessary to maintain an enjoyable forum.

Thank you!

Greg Perry
Posts: 1.345
Points: 5.404
Date registered 07.07.2017
home: Minnesota USA
ThankYou 369

Last edited 06.16.2024 | Top


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