Salom....120Doys of Sodom.

#1 by Gwyn Morgan , Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:25 pm

Last night showed the BFI print of Salom at the Plymouth University,first time the film had ever been shown in Plymouth according to the film programmer who arranged this showing.The film was released in 1975 and has had a very controversial history being banned nearly everywhere it was attempted to be shown.It was finally given an 18 certificate in 2000 and released uncut in this country.
The film was directed by Pasolini and even now the films content makes for difficult viewing.I shall not elaborate on the content as anyone who wants to know more can find it easily available.
The actual print was in good condition and for once seems to have been well looked after.
Some pics of the show..

Attached pictures:
1F692528-F9BF-489C-9D8F-745304822944.jpeg   7C73ABD8-45D6-4C4A-BAC7-6DC181FBE7A4.jpeg  

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Gwyn Morgan
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RE: Salom....120Doys of Sodom.

#2 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:13 pm

Salo, isn't it called Gwyn?

I couldn't find anything to describe Salom linked with Pasolini

"C'Mon Baggy, Get With The Beat"

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Andrew Woodcock

RE: Salom....120Doys of Sodom.

#3 by Stuart Reid , Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:38 pm

Salo, yes. A very uncomfortable film to watch.

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RE: Salom....120Doys of Sodom.

#4 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:53 pm

It's not available on Super 8mm thankfully Stuart.

"C'Mon Baggy, Get With The Beat"

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Andrew Woodcock

RE: Salom....120Doys of Sodom.

#5 by Gwyn Morgan , Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:26 pm

Yes my fault it's SALO not Salom ......silly me !!!!!!!
In its day it was quite some film in one way and another and I can see what all the fuss is about,but it is also beginning to look a little dated.
Not really the sort of film for super 8,wonder if there are are any 16mm prints out there.Never seen it on any list not that it was likely to be seen.📽📽

Gwyn Morgan
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RE: Salom....120Doys of Sodom.

#6 by Gwyn Morgan , Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:31 pm

"Must be an age thing"
The film is called

NOT WOT I ROTE !!😀😀😀😀🎞🎞🎞📽📽📽

Gwyn Morgan
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Date registered 08.03.2015
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RE: Salom....120Doys of Sodom.

#7 by Stuart Reid , Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:38 pm

There's probably a warehouse full of mint prints of this particular title knowing our luck, it's never the buggers you want! (like the hundreds of Britannia Hospital prints constantly surfacing!)

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