Death Hunt

#1 by David Skillern , Sat Jan 13, 2018 1:59 pm

Filmed in 1981 a Golden Harvest film, starring Charles Bronson, Lee Marvin, Carl Weathers, Ed Lauter, Angie Dickinson and Andrew Stevens. The film is set in 1931 in the Yukon territory where trapper Albert Johnson comes across a dog fight and stops it and saves one of the dogs. He pays the owner Ed Lauter for the dog - but Hazell (Ed Lauter) is aggrieved at this deal and later sets off to Johnson's cabin with a group of trappers - while there a gun battle takes place and the dog is killed and one of Hazell's men is killed. Hazell goes back into town and demands that Mountie Edgar Millen ( Lee Marvin) arrests Johnson. Millen goes to Johnson's cabin with Hazell and the rest of the trappers to find out what really happened as he doesn't really believe Hazell's story that johnson opened fire without provocation. As Johnson and Millen are having a stand off discussing what happened, one of Hazell's fellow trappers causes Johnson to open fire and in the resulting gun battle a mountie is shot and killed. Johnson's cabin is destroyed but he escapes with ammo aplenty. Edgar Millen has no choice but to take a party of men including new recruit Andrew Stevens and seasoned tracker Sundog (Carl Weathers) to capture Albert Johnson dead or alive - so with the law and a group of trappers out for blood into the yukon wilderness they go after Albert Johnson - who is now being called the mythical Mad Trapper who was thought to be responsible for the death of several fur trappers.............

I bought this from Nigel Higgins in Blackpool last November and was pleasantly surprised when I screened it last sunday. Colour and sound are excellent - a few light emulsion scratches in the 2nd reel but as most of the 2nd reel takes place in the snowy surroundings it doesn't deter from the viewing. There are subtitles but to be honest as the film is action packed - they don't affect the overall enjoyment of the film. Charles Bronson and Lee Marvin are excellent as is Andrew Stevens and Carl (Apollo Creed) Weathers. Ed Lauter is suitably unpleasant as Hazell, only Angie Dickinson as Edgar Millen's lady is underused. If you get the chance - see it - if i could put some pics up - I would but i'm not sure how to upload them - any help would be appreciated - then I can post more reviews with accompanying pics.

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David Skillern  
David Skillern
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RE: Death Hunt

#2 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:08 pm

Great review David and photos are very easily posted here.

Press the "attach file" tab in the bottom left hand corner of your box, then a "choose files" tab opens in the bottom right hand side of your box.

Once you press the "choose files" tab, you will then be directed to your computers folders and you can then easily select the photographs you wish to upload one by one if you want them in order, or as a complete folder if you arn't bothered over the order in which they will appear here.

Once you have selected and "stacked" the photographs you want to upload here, simply press the upload tab for each of them beginning by having your cursor set to the position you wish the first of the photographs to appear.

We look forward to viewing your screenshots David.

Ps To place photographs into a post which has already been uploaded to the forum begin by pressing the "edit" tab.

"C'Mon Baggy, Get With The Beat"

Andrew Woodcock
Last edited Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:03 pm | Top

RE: Death Hunt

#3 by Vidar Olavesen , Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:44 pm

What language is the subtitles?

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RE: Death Hunt

#4 by David Skillern , Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:20 pm

Hi Vidar,

not sure it could be norwegian - I will try to post some pictures later - Im going to take some other pics of some 16mm I haven't viewed yet - so I can write a few more reviews and post some pics - if this works - I will put some pics up of Death Hunt with the subtitles on

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David Skillern
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RE: Death Hunt

#5 by Tom Photiou , Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:10 pm

Very good review there David, sounds like you got a bargain.

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Dances With Wolves theatrical version.
Guilty by Suspicion, 1991, Robert De Nero.

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