Minder Episode Bury My Half at Waltham Green

#1 by Tom Photiou , Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:55 pm

Recently added two of these to my little collection, i love these, yes i know i can buy a box set on disc for 40 quid but viewing these and the professionals on a home screen with a projector just gives them a new lease of life.
I recently added two title, while i will say they are very good but nothing like the one i got from D Guest, but these two were only 80 inc P+P so were a bargain.
As it happens the two i got are episodes 2 & 3 from series one so around 5/6 years earlier than the one on LPP polyester, but print and colour on these are both good, sound is excellent as always on 16 and the actual condition of the print is A1, not a mark anywhere. Unbelievably this one has Kenneth Cope in it which you may recall is the guest star in the later episode i have from 1985, whats the chances of that? As always i have to add that these images are not that good for the accuracy of the colours, what you see on screen is much much better in every way.
Bury My Half at Waltham Green
Terry guards Albert Stubbs, a newly released bank robber until he can retrieve the stolen money he has buried. He discovers that he's actually lumbered with George Wilson, a look-alike decoy, to divert attention from the 'real' Stubbs, who is being housed at Arthur's flat. Stubb's former partners, including Rose Mellors, are also after the cash. When it's dug up, it's found to be out of date and unusable. (Episode title spoofs the 1970 book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.)

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Tom Photiou
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RE: Minder Episode Bury My Half at Waltham Green

#2 by Greg Perry , Tue Jan 30, 2018 4:32 am

Hi Tom,

You are spot on as the print is in very, very nice shape without lines and wear...I am not familiar with "Minder", but is it accurate to say
this show would ONLY be found in 16mm format?--and not Super 8 or other?
Being able to add 16mm prints of US TV programs to my collection is one thing I really enjoy about the format. The addition of 16mm films to the many fine offerings in Super8/8mm, provides a tremendously large variety of shows, features and shorts. Downside for me is 16mm takes up so much storage room--but very much worth it nonetheless. Thanks for posting the pics and details about this episode as it is interesting to learn about these shows which those of us in the US aren't familiar with.


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RE: Minder Episode Bury My Half at Waltham Green

#3 by Tom Photiou , Tue Jan 30, 2018 8:37 am

Thank you Greg, its funny as i never set out to collect any TV shows but after my first Minder i really do find it quite good to see this in this way. We now have four and also a professionals a Dr at large, wyatt earp and am simply seeing what is out there. Curruntly still waiting to view dances with wolves and jagged edge and another minder. Will review all when ii get around to it.

Looking for Abba the movie Scope trailer

Tom Photiou
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RE: Minder Episode Bury My Half at Waltham Green

#4 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:17 am

Some of our tv series around this era and even a little earlier, represented some our best television drama and comedy in my opinion.

The professionals, The Sweeney, Minder, Rising Damp, The Saint, The Persuaders the list could go on and on.
All highly collectible I'd say and for the ones only to be found on 16mm then those that collect on multiple gauge film, have a huge advantage finding films like these Tom.

"C'Mon Baggy, Get With The Beat"

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Andrew Woodcock

RE: Minder Episode Bury My Half at Waltham Green

#5 by Tom Photiou , Tue Jan 30, 2018 1:37 pm

All good stuff there Andy, especially the Sweeney, its hard to find The Sweeney on 16 that are not faded at the mo,
I just wish is could get my images more to what you see on screen but when i'm viewing them i'm watching the film rather than concentrating on taking pics, As i said, while the colours on this one is not as good as the episode i bought from Dave Guest, it is much better than what you see here.

Looking for Abba the movie Scope trailer

Tom Photiou
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Date registered 08.14.2015
home: Plymouth. UK
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RE: Minder Episode Bury My Half at Waltham Green

#6 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:04 pm

At least then we have some good Walton prints out there on 8 for the Sweeney then Tom.

For the others, you have the best of both worlds.

"C'Mon Baggy, Get With The Beat"

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Andrew Woodcock
Last edited Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:05 pm | Top

RE: Minder Episode Bury My Half at Waltham Green

#7 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Tue Jan 30, 2018 4:27 pm

Very good print Tom; this episode was on TV only recently, and Rose Mellors, was played by the granddaughter of veteran comic actor Ralph Lynn.

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Robert Crewdson


Minder Epidoe, The Smaller they are.
Minder Episode, The Bengal Tiger.

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