The Professionals, When the heat cools off, Series 1 Episode 9

#1 by Tom Photiou , Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:03 pm

Tonight i viewed this excellent episode of the Classic 70s TV series The Professionals. As per the titles this is from series one and although from 1978 this is a stunning Agfa stock print with superb vivid colours and excellent pin sharp image. Just one single skinny black line to the left which appears and dissapears but is generally not noticed. Those of you who know this series here in the UK, this one has the early title sequence whereas my other episode, reviewed in this section, has the later better title sequence.
We are now viewing our 16mm films via a Kodak 19mm lens i bought before xmas so we certainly get one huge image at a short distance. Although you cant beat the 25mm or even the original 50mm lens's for sharpness , this one being used is more than perfect for us.
This episode,
Beginning with a flashback to 1971 with the murder of a Policeman, we then move forward to 1977. The daughter of a man imprisoned by Doyle six years ago when he was a Docklands policeman turns up, claiming to have new evidence which will exonerate her father. Doyle reluctantly agrees to reopen the case, but will his budding relationship with the girl cloud his judgement, and make even himself doubt whether he jailed the right man? A well written episode with a few powerful moments not often seen to this effect. The conclusion being held in freeze frame also works very well and not with the usual jokey ending. one of Brian Clements best.

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Tom Photiou
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RE: The Professionals, When the heat cools off, Series 1 Episode 9

#2 by Greg Perry , Thu Feb 21, 2019 1:06 am


Really nice color and image! I am not familiar with this TV show, but it sounds like a good story. I enjoy watching old 60's and 70's TV series episodes on film--it just seems fitting to me as opposed to watching on a shiny disc.

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Greg Perry
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RE: The Professionals, When the heat cools off, Series 1 Episode 9

#3 by Tom Photiou , Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:24 am

Thanks Greg. Its mad isnt it,i could have bought the entire box set ten times over for the price of this one episode but seeing it projected on the big screen on 16mm,(which is what the series was shot on) just makes it so much better. There is one wpisode called klansman which has never been aired sinced it was made. It is a part of the box set on disc but is alao on youtube. Would love to get that one on 16.

Tom Photiou
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RE: The Professionals, When the heat cools off, Series 1 Episode 9

#4 by Mark Mander ( deleted ) , Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:11 am

Very nice Tom, enjoy watching these and seeing all the cars that I used to work on,this is a good episode to as you really do start to believe he's innocent but is he?!!!!

Tom Photiou likes this
Mark Mander

RE: The Professionals, When the heat cools off, Series 1 Episode 9

#5 by Tom Photiou , Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:50 pm

Cheers Mark, yes i remember all those cars coming into our workshop when i was an apprentice. Cars with character rather than the boring crap they produce now,
This is one of the better episodes especially with the throw back at the start to 1971.

Tom Photiou
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Date registered 08.14.2015
home: Plymouth. UK
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The New Adventures of Don Juan (1948)
The Professionals. The Rack Series 2 Episode 2

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