Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#1 by Tom Photiou , Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:46 pm

This was the second film on 16mm i bought that i had never watched before. Recorded it off TV many times and erased it before watching. It came up on offer as an IB Tech print and i had to say yes to such an iconic movie, apart from that, ive not got an IB tech print yet and what a movie to get on this stock.
This was a birthday pressy from the family for me so yesterday i gave it a good clean and inspection. I was made aware of a few splices and a couple of minor base lines before purchase but i wasn't expecting it to be anywhere as good as this. Stunning colours as you would expect, nice sharp print and very good sound. The film was supplied on 3 x 1600ft reels and more or less completes my 16mm collection with the exception of one or two more features and in the meantime will look to off load another reel or two in order to keep the collection sensible and manageable.

Bullitt is a 1968 American action thriller film directed by Peter Yates and produced by Philip D'Antoni. The movie stars Steve McQueen, Robert Vaughn, and Jacqueline Bisset. The screenplay by Alan R. Trustman and Harry Kleiner was based on the 1963 novel, Mute Witness, by Robert L. Fish, writing under the pseudonym Robert L. Pike.
Lalo Schifrin wrote the original score. Robert Duvall has a small role as a cab driver who provides information to McQueen.
The film was made by McQueen's Solar Productions company, with his partner Robert E. Relyea as executive producer. Released by Warner Bros.-Seven Arts on October 17, 1968, the film was a critical and box-office smash, later winning the Academy Award for Best Film Editing (Frank P. Keller) and receiving a nomination for Best Sound. Writers Trustman and Kleiner won a 1969 Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for Best Motion Picture Screenplay. Bullitt is also notable for its car chase scene through the streets of San Francisco, which is regarded as one of the most influential in movie history.
In 2007, Bullitt was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress, as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant"

Tom Photiou
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RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#2 by Greg Perry , Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:02 pm


Wow, amazing condition! I wasn't aware that it won an Academy Award--interesting background info in your review.
Congrats on a fantastic addition to your collection....

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RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#3 by Tom Photiou , Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:12 pm

Thanks Greg, i am very pleased with this one. Some great action sequences too. One of the Derann ad reels we have on super 8 is the one for the Ford Puma here in the UK where Steve McQueen was cleverly bought back to life in 1997 advertising the car and it was pretty much a tribute to this movie. Clever stuff. So now i guess i will need to run this particular ad reel before viewing the feature.


Tom Photiou
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RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#4 by Vidar Olavesen , Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:34 pm

Really nice. Love McQueen

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RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#5 by Mark Mander ( deleted ) , Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:48 pm

Great Tom,
Looks a nice print, love the car chase and the endless gear changes!!! Mark.

Tom Photiou sais Thank You!
Mark Mander

RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#6 by Luís Caramelo , Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:30 pm

what a beautifull print Tom!
this is on ethe reason i jump to 16mm,i had the chance to see some previous reviews,so many good films ,wicth are not available in super 8,
i have been discovered the 16mm it,s a step ahead,
luis caramelo

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RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#7 by Tom Photiou , Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:21 pm

Thank you Luís. I am very pleased with it and very happy to have 16mm. Wish i kept it going years ago.

Tom Photiou
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Last edited 03.04.2019 | Top

RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#8 by Del Phillipson , Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:59 pm

Tom, that's one gorgeous looking print, Bullitt is a great film too.

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RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#9 by Tom Photiou , Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:24 pm

Cheers Dell, trying to ensure we only collect good decent colour films, so far so good.

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Tom Photiou
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RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#10 by Erik Schoolcraft , Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:13 am

Didn't know this was ever printed in Tech. Beautiful print. Have a print of The Getaway in Eastman magnetic and optical but has turned a bit.

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RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#11 by Tom Photiou , Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:03 am

Thank you Erik. It is a lovely print. Its also my first technicolour print and what a title to get with such colours.

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Tom Photiou
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RE: Bullitt. IB Tech Print

#12 by Erik Schoolcraft , Thu Dec 05, 2019 5:26 am

Jelous hahaa.

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