Rocky Mountain. Errol Flynn 1950 2 x 166ft

#1 by Tom Photiou , Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:14 pm

Tonight we viewed our latest 16mm [purchase from Paul Foster.
This is one for my Brother, Rocky Mountain starring Errol Flynn.
It does have the most weird opening as a modern day, (for 1950) motor car pulls up to a Historical marker in the the desert. then its onto the film,
The print of this old movie is very good, just a few very light lines now and again on the very far right, excellent b/w print with perfect contrast and excellent sound. There are reel change markers every 12/12 minutes or so and a splice does follow each one but they are perfect smooth splices with no jumps, no sound drop outs and everything is fine focus. I didn't have to re focus once during either reel. All in all, a near perfect 16mm print and a very good soundtrack by Max Steiner.

The plot,
A car pulls up to an historical marker in the desert that reads:

ROCKY MOUNTAIN, also known as Ghost Mountain. On March 26, 1865, a detachment of Confederate cavalry crossed the state line into California under secret orders from Gen. Robert E. Lee to rendezvous at Ghost Mountain with one Cole Smith, with instructions to place the flag atop the mountain, and though their mission failed, the heroism displayed by these gallant men honored the cause for which they fought so valiantly.

In 1865, eight horsemen trek across the California desert, arriving at Ghost Mountain. Led by Captain Lafe Barstow (Errol Flynn) of the Mississippi Mountain Rifles. The eight soldiers encounter a man who calls himself California Beal (Howard Petrie). As a last desperate effort to turn the tide of the war, Barstow's mission is to persuade Cole Smith and his 500 men to raid California on behalf of the Confederacy. From their vantage point on the mountain, the men see a Shoshone war party attack a stagecoach. Barstow's men charge and drive off the Shoshone after the stage overturns, rescuing driver Gil Craigie (Chubby Johnson ) and the only surviving passenger, Johanna Carter (Patrice Wymore), travelling to join her fiancé, Union Army officer Lt. Rickey (Scott Forbes).
That night, the Indians burn the stage. Next morning, a detachment of four Union soldiers and three Shoshone scouts examine the ashes. Barstow's men ambush the detachment, killing one and capturing the rest, including Lt. Rickey. From them, Barstow learns that the Union knows about their presence in California and that California Beal is actually Cole Smith himself. Smith leaves, promising to return in two days with his men. Craigie talks with the Shoshone scouts and learns that they are really a chief, Man Dog, and his sons. He warns Barstow that they will escape and return with their tribe. That night, while Jimmy (Dickie Jones) is on watch, the Indians try to escape. The soldiers kill two of them, but Man Dog evades their bullets.
In the morning, Rickey suggests that he take Johanna to a nearby garrison before the Indians arrive. Barstow, however, hopes that Smith's men will come before the Indians do and rejects the suggestion. Near dawn, Rickey's men jump their guards. One dies in the attempt, and another's recaptured, but Rickey makes his escape. The Southerners find a riderless horse but it turns out to be Smith's, not Rickey's, and they realise that help is not coming.
Barstow decides to use all his men to lure the Indians away from the mountain while Johanna, Craigie and the Union trooper escape. The greatly outnumbered Rebels ride into a box canyon and turn to fight, charging the Shoshone. During the battle, Rickey returns with a troop of Union cavalry, and Johanna tells Rickey what has happened. The cavalry attempt to save Barstow's men but are too late; all the Southerners have been killed. Rickey raises their rebel flag on top of Rocky Mountain to salute the bravery of their fallen foes.

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Tom Photiou
Posts: 5.889
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Date registered 08.14.2015
home: Plymouth. UK
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RE: Rocky Mountain. Errol Flynn 1950 2 x 166ft

#2 by Mark Mander ( deleted ) , Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:11 pm

Looks great Tom, I've mentioned it before but through a xenon lamp these prints look another level,very nice print,Mark

Tom Photiou likes this
Mark Mander

RE: Rocky Mountain. Errol Flynn 1950 2 x 166ft

#3 by Tom Photiou , Fri Aug 23, 2019 5:38 pm

Must admit id love to see it but i think ive bought as many projectors as il ever need now.
Only thing that ever put me off xenons is the price of the lamps.

Tom Photiou
Posts: 5.889
Points: 11.813
Date registered 08.14.2015
home: Plymouth. UK
ThankYou 609

RE: Rocky Mountain. Errol Flynn 1950 2 x 166ft

#4 by Mark Mander ( deleted ) , Fri Aug 23, 2019 9:36 pm

I Agree Tom,when they go they can be expensive but it is amazing the difference they make, I dare think let alone admit how many machines I've got, if you do ever get a xenon machine then you'll see what I mean, it's like comparing a DVD to a bluray, Mark

Mark Mander


Robin Hood Prince of Thieves 4 x 1600ft Flat Part 1 & 2
Serpico. Theatrical print.

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