35mm features wanted

#1 by Barbara Gbur , Sat Oct 03, 2020 6:16 pm

Dear Community, I am looking for 35mm films. I've made a list and I would be very happy if someone is able to offer me one of these films.
I'm looking for copies in OV, US version, UK and German version.

Thank you so much :)

Enter the Dragon "Der Mann mit der Todeskralle"
The Way of the Dragon "Die Todeskralle schlägt wieder zu"
Game of Death 1 & 2 "Mein letzterKampf" & "Der letzte Kampf der Todeskralle"
The Big Boss "Die Todesfaust des Cheng Li"
Blade 1
Highlander 1,2,3
Starship Troopers
Karate Tiger
Rumble in the Bronx
Drunken Master
City Hunter
Double Dragon
Karate Tiger 1
Sidekicks 1992
Rambo 1
Rocky 3,4
Demolition Man
Mortal Kombat
Rapid Fire – Unbewaffnet und extrem gefährlich
The Crow
Showdown in Little Tokyo
The Lost Boys

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Barbara Gbur  
Barbara Gbur
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RE: 35mm features wanted

#2 by Gwyn Morgan , Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:47 pm

That’s a serious list of 35mm titles you are after,hope you strike lucky a lot appear on eBay but I can’t remember anyone offering 35mm features on here.Still you never know.

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RE: 35mm features wanted

#3 by Greg Perry , Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:51 pm

Lieber Filmfreund,

You may also want to sign-up at: http://www.35mmforum.com/
This is another forum which regularly lists 35mm features for sale...

And here is a German forum which also has 35mm films for sale...

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Last edited 10.03.2020 | Top

RE: 35mm features wanted

#4 by Tom Photiou , Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:26 pm

35mm seems to be something thats growing in popularity, i would love to have it but the size of it is just too much for me. (now where have i heard that before )

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Big Jake 35mm Scope

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