Uncle Buck LPP polyester print

#1 by Tom Photiou , Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:33 pm

Uncle Buck is a 1989 American comedy film written and directed by John Hughes.
Starring John Candy and Amy Madigan, the film tells the story of a bachelor and all-around-slob who babysits his brother's rebellious teenage daughter and her younger brother and sister.
Uncle Buck was released in theatres on August 16, 1989 by Universal Pictures and grossed $79.2 million against a $15 million budget.

When you view this John Hugh's film it is clear to see some of the ideas for one of his later films, Home alone in 1990, just a year or so after Uncle Buck. While this film isn't as funny as Home alone it is still a great family movie with some very very funny moments. This a theatrical print so it is saved from those annoying TV edits that occur every time it's aired and while they may only be snips, its does have an impact on the comedy, thankfully, this is the full uncut version with the MPAA rating at the very end.

This is a 99.9% perfect print in every way, the image is pin sharp, the sound is superb with a clarity and bass you wouldn't believe. The colour is so vibrant, unfortunately, these images are very poor in comparison, not too sure whats happening with my old camera but the best example is those opening titles, when you view the film its a purple title, the image appears to show almost white so these are purely a guide. There are no marks throughout the whole print worth a mention.

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Tom Photiou
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RE: Uncle Buck LPP polyester print

#2 by Greg Perry , Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:44 pm


Well done on adding this wonderful film to your collection! When I saw the updated Paul Foster list, I was going to ask about this one, but knew it would be long gone already. Glad it went to a good home!
If you can, maybe a few Flintstone pics too?

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RE: Uncle Buck LPP polyester print

#3 by Robert Crewdson , Fri Jun 04, 2021 12:11 am

That is possibly the best film print I have ever seen. Stunning.

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RE: Uncle Buck LPP polyester print

#4 by Eivind Mork , Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:03 am

That print is just stunning!I haven't seen this film, but with Macaulay Culkin on the same page as John Candy, I immediately was thinking "Polka, polka, polka" :-)

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RE: Uncle Buck LPP polyester print

#5 by Tom Photiou , Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:19 pm

Eivind, if you havnt seen this one its well worth a look, while Home alone is by far the funnier movie, it is easy to see how John Hugh's used some of his own ideas from this movie and improved on them in home alone. The drunk clown scene in this film always makes me laugh and it is one of the scenes thats always slightly snipped on TV where it then loses much of the comedy impact, thankfully this is a theatrical print.

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Tom Photiou
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