RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#26 by Timothy Duncan ( deleted ) , Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:33 pm

Very wise advice Andrew.

Timothy Duncan

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#27 by Panayotis A. Carayannis ( deleted ) , Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:17 am

David, you obvously don't watch many movies. I will be mummified, so, if anybody enters, I will wake up and .......I and my curse will follow them!!!!

Vidar Olavesen likes this
Panayotis A. Carayannis

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#28 by John Armer ( deleted ) , Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:13 pm

Thanks for the welcome, Andrew and Vidar! I'm from Lancaster in the NW of England. I followed the Super 8mm scene in the late 80s and early 90s when I was at school and university... collected the super 8 distributor catalogues... even went to one of Derann's conventions at Blackpool but couldn't afford to buy very much! I got a copy of The Blacksmith from Perry's (now long gone) and bought Derann's release of Disney's The Night Before Christmas at the Blackpool Convention (which I still have - it looks beautiful).

I got back into Super 8 about a year ago and upgraded my Agfa Sonector LS to a Eumig S936 which is even better now that I've got a 1.2 lens from an old S940. As I'm just starting out collecting, I haven't got too many films but I do have a beautiful flat print of Raise the Titanic and the 3 x 600ft release of the Sound of Music. I'm looking for the 600ft digest of Capricorn One if anyone wants to offload theirs (!) ... I was very impressed with it when I saw it at the BFCC earlier in the year.

I remember when I was at Blackpool I did pick up a few trailers and daysets - the boxes say 'Big Screen Entertainment' on them. Who released these? Are they from Derann (like their Silver Screen series) or was Big Screen Entertainment a company in its own right?

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John Armer

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#29 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:22 pm

Welcome John; you have some nice films already.

Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#30 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:31 pm

Indeed! Yes John anything with big screen entertainment written on the box is more than likely Derann in Super 8 at least.

Well either Derann or an ARW special box art production! Ha ha ha.
(See my box art posts if you haven't already)

Andrew Woodcock
Last edited Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:31 pm | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#31 by Eivind Mork , Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:38 am


My name is Eivind Mork, and live in Oslo, Norway. I grew up with a collection of Standard 8 mm home movies of my family. I allways liked the magic of sitting in the dark listening to the projector and seeing the film getting alive on the screen. When I was a teenager, I bought a few cartoons on Super 8 (the projector could show both Standard and Super 8) which I enjoyed watching. I am a programmer by trade, and have a lot of digital content at home. But when I was thinking back at sitting in the dark watching the movies, I realized that all the digital movies I had had lost all the "magic".

My parents still have the projector and watches the family movies from time to time, but one day after a visit I took the old Super 8 cartoons back home and was looking for a new projector. In february 2014 I bought myself a Eumig S 810 D, and I was hooked. Some time later I bought a Elmo 16-CL too for 16mm. For practical purposes I have the projectors in my cabin which is close to where I live.

I have a few feature films, but a majority of the time I watch cartoons with my 8 year old son with popcorn and a cinema experience. We as many weekends as we can at the cabin, and we always have a cinema evening, and I enjoy it every time. Sometimes I alternate between the Super 8 and the 16mm to run continuously, just intercepted by an old American TV commercial once in a while :-)

After a while I got in touch with the Norwegian film collector association in general, and Vidar Olavesen in particular after having some technical difficulties. I attend all the meetings the family calendar allows.

My collection is pretty small compared to many in this forum, but we have finally got enough to watch different movies each time. My dream is to get Rear Window on 16mm some day. I realize I have to dig deep in my pocket to realize that dream, but one day... :-)

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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#32 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:00 am

Ah, that's better! Welcome aboard Eivind!!

I hope realize your dream one day. On here dreams are both mandatory and necessary to keep the interest in our hobby alive.
None of us can either find or afford all what we wish for!

Vidar Olavesen likes this
Andrew Woodcock
Last edited Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:04 am | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#33 by Thijs de Kort , Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:11 am

My name is Thijs de Kort i live in the Netherlands
Currently im 20 years old. I only started working with 8mm about a year ago (august 2014) when i started working for Edwin Van Eck at his company, at this moment i do not own any projectors myself and if im honest i dont think that in the near future i will be owning one. Most of the time im either working on 8mm or the unmentionable. I still go to school for mechatronics and i'm planning to finish it in 2017

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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#34 by Hugh Thompson Scott ( deleted ) , Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:31 am

Elvind and Thijs, it matters not a jot if you have a huge collection or non, same goes for projectors etc, you obviously enjoy talking
about your experiences etc, we enjoy hearing them, enjoy the forum.

Vidar Olavesen likes this
Hugh Thompson Scott

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#35 by John Guthrie , Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:44 pm

Hi all

My name is John Guthrie and I currently live in Perth Western Australia, I've been interested in movies/cine for about 40 years and have been through quite a lot of equipment some of which I deeply regret having sold in the past. When I lived in England I belonged to the Great Western Society at Didcot and shot quite a bit of film there both super 8 and 16mm I also shot quite a bit of Super 8 in Switzerland as well, those were happy days. Perth is very isolated and there do not seem to be any movie (film) enthusiasts here.

Mostly what I do now is to try to complete my collections of gear.

This is what I currently have in movie equipment. (there is probably some more stashed away that I have forgotten!)

Cameras Super 8:
Leicina special with Optivaron & Macro Cinegon lenses, leather compartment case, ST1 control unit, R to M adapter
Braun Nizo 6080 complete kit in Aluminium case plus leather carrying case
Bauer S715XL plus leather case
Agfa Microflex 300 sensor x2

Projectors Super 8:
Beaulieu 708EL
Braun Visacustic 2000 + control unit + speakers
Eumig 820 Sonomatic

Silma 240S Standard/Regular 8 Sound

Braun SB2
Bolex V180 Duo
Goko RM-8008

Agfa F8s
Braun FK4
Braun FK1
Hahnel Kollmatic SD8 (same as Braun FK1) x2

Weberling striper
Hama Titel gerat "Compact" 3820 x2
Rowi titler 1150
Rowi Running title device for Titler 1150
Rowi Rotating plate for Titler 1150
Rowi Square drum for Titler 1150
Rowi Rotating drum for Titler 1150
Rowi Folding title unit for Titler 1150
Ewa S8 Compendium x2
Porst film sorter

Krasnogorsk K3 kit
Bolex 421 projector
Bell Howell 1690 projector
Eiki Nt1 ? projector
16mm editor
16mm rewind arms

There is also a Sankyo Super8 that was given to me.

Wants list:
Bolex H16EL outfit (Used to have one but regrettably sold it years ago when I need some money)
Beaulieu 7008 or 9008
Bauer T610 projector
Bauer Editor F20

I try to make up a complete set i.e.. Camera projector editor etc. Unfortunately most of what is on the wants list is very rare in Australia and if available way too expensive (now that I am a pensioner) However there is good thing about living here we do not have to pay any import duty or customs charges on any items under AU $1000, makes a changes from those greedy so & so's at HM customs & excise back home!


PS I also have a collection of films in addition to the ones I have made myself

John Guthrie  
John Guthrie
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#36 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:49 pm

Welcome to the Forum John,
I used to belong to the Great Western Society at Didcot, first joined in 1967, and still have copies of The Great Western Echo from that period. Like you I have a Krasnogorsk K3, too expensive to use it at present.

Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#37 by Vidar Olavesen , Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:58 pm

Welcome and thanks for introduction. Impressive list of gear :-) It is getting costly for sure. I have a Fumeo with stereo and 1200' minimum capacity as my most wanted list, but assume I never find and can afford one. Any fellow collectors around your area? I was lucky to find a club here.

Vidar Olavesen
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#38 by David Hardy ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:56 pm

Ah Robert the GWR . Stands for Greasy Wet and Rusty. Only JOKING there by the way.
I am an L.N.E.R. man myself.

David Hardy

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#39 by David Hardy ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:00 pm

A warm welcome to the forum John. That's some very " Choice" film equipment you own there.
I look forward to seeing your posts in future.

Vidar Olavesen likes this
David Hardy

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#40 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:26 pm

I suppose it depends on what part of Scotland you are from, I thought it might be the LMS. GWR used to be referred to as God's Wonderful Railway; more interesting than most I think as they had Broad Guage, which changed to standard in 1892. I got quite a few unmentionables of railway footage.

Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#41 by David Hardy ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:49 pm

Robert we had two depots here in Aberdeen. One for L.N.E.R. and one for L.M.S.
As a footnote I love GWR and Southern too. I too have some railway films on FILM
and the unmentionables.

David Hardy
Last edited Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:51 pm | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#42 by John Guthrie , Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:57 pm


I had never heard of Greasy, wet & rusty and I like it!
I do remember that LNER was affectionally known as the' Late, never early railway'. Ah the good old days.
My Grandfather was a signalman at Cholsey and his brother was a signalman at Radley, sadly I never knew them they died before I was born. I can still remember as a child being taken up into the Signal box at Cholsey to see where Grandad had worked.

Do you remember the joke about BR catering?
Breakfast in Bristol
Lunch in London
Sick in Southend


John Guthrie  
John Guthrie
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#43 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:58 pm

Actually, when I was a small boy of about 5, we had two stations in Oxford, one was Great Western originally, and the other had been LMS (originally LNWR), as it was the last stop for the LMS. With nationalisation it wasn't needed. It stood empty for years, then was removed carefully and numbered, and rebuilt elsewhere, Bucks I think. The people of Oxford were upset, but our views don't matter. A lot of these unmentionables are amateur footage, and very good they are too.

Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#44 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:05 pm

John, Radley station is only 2 miles from me; it became an unstaffed station in 1967, then the vandals came in, and it was demolished. Some years ago about £2 million was spent just putting up shelters that look more like a bus shelter. Radley was the exchange for Abingdon, which closed in 1963. I worked for British Rail in the early 70s, and the station buffet was a rip off, expensive even with a staff discount. I bought a fruit pie, the box had a picture of apples and blackberries, when I bit into it, it was empty except for a thin coating of jam.

Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#45 by Steve Carter ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:45 pm

Were they the Lyons ones or the Hales ones, there was a Billy Bunter who lived near me, he would spend his pocket money on the individual fruit pie's, pork pies, and cheese.

Steve Carter

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#46 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:49 pm

These were Lyons: I remember Hales cakes, I last saw them in the 60s.

Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#47 by David Hardy ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:41 pm

Hey guys I think we are off topic again but my late Father was a Railwayman too. I spent many happy hours with
him at his job. He was an Examiner of the railway rolling stock.

David Hardy

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#48 by David Hardy ( deleted ) , Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:42 pm

Robert do you still live in Oxford ?

David Hardy

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#49 by Florian Kuik ( deleted ) , Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:09 am


New to the game here. Collected movies sinces my early 20's. (the now 34) Collected some raritys, like hi-vision laserdisc , hdvs and more common dvd/hddvd/bluray.

Jumped on 35mm just recently, it's affordable and within range. So hope to see some knowledge here and stock some more prints (have 25) (if you have some, let me know)

(Use a Epson tw6000, kinoton fp30e)

Florian Kuik
Last edited Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:10 am | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#50 by Vidar Olavesen , Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:29 am

Thanks for joining and introduction. There are 35mm experts here (not me though). I have three FP-30e myself, two is soon going to Sweden. I use my portable Philips FP-23 due to size.

Hope you find new friends here, I know I did

Vidar Olavesen
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