Introduce yourself, if you want

#1 by Vidar Olavesen , Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:01 pm


My name is Vidar Olavesen and have a strong passion for film. I am located in Norway, near a town called Sarpsborg. Been living in the area for all my life. My first encounter with film was back in 1977, when I was eleven. I got a paper route and bought an Elmo ST-600 on downpayment. My first film was Island of Mystery, in black and white with sound. This film has ran a lot, both forwards and backwards. I don't do backwards anymore ;-) ... Sadly, I sold this when VHS entered the scene. Full films on a cassette sounded good. I regret this now, but in November 2012 it must have been, I saw an add for two projectors and 10 films for 40 GBP and thought, "Hmmm, could be fun to try again". I bought it, it was a couple of horrible projectors (see attached photos). So I bought an Eumig Mark-S 710D from UK for about 60 GBP or so I think it was. Complete with nice speaker in the box it came in. Both Regular 8 and Super 8 sprockets. Also turned to be a problem, but after some help, I sandpapered the problem away :-) ... After that I could see movies again. And wow, what a difference. After years of VHS, Lasers, DVD and Blu-Ray, I finally saw magic again. Was totally hooked and now it's an almost all consuming passion. Got some 30+ projectors and 1200+ films after two and a half years. Now my search for titles I'd love to own is forever going on. My most wanted films are Alien (Super 8, 16mm or 35mm), The Thing (1982 on 16mm or 35mm), Escape From New York (16mm). Also love my sci-fi/horrors, so all stuff in that category is on my wish list. Crossing my fingers for winning the lottery :-)

Have a great day

My movie lists are here, if anyone wants to peek :

Attached pictures:
K6 Cine Max 1.jpg   Movector Dual 1.JPG  

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Vidar Olavesen
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Date registered 08.02.2015
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Last edited 08.25.2015 | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#2 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:38 pm

Hello, my name is Robert, been fascinated with the movies ever since I saw 'The Ten Commandments' as a 3 year old. Fascinated by the still images, each one slightly different, that give the illusion of movement when viewed at 18 or 24fps. I did have the odd slide projector as a kid, but I was 19 before I got my first movie camera, followed by a projector. One of the two of my first films I still have ' The Perfect Day' a Laurel & Hardy silent. Afterwards it became a passion, saving up all spare money to either make films or add titles to my collection. Two years later in 1975 I bought my first sound projector, a Eumig 810D, which I still have in perfect condition, with box. The only issue I had was having to replace the sound head as it comes into contact with the film when running silent. After the demise of 'Movie Maker' and 'Film Making' magazine and closure of several distributors, I had a break from the hobby. My interest was reignited 8 years ago. I moved into 16mm, something that was too expensive before, and now my interest is in that guage. I still have all my Super 8 as well.

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Robert Crewdson
Last edited Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:17 pm | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#3 by Will Fleming , Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:37 pm

Hey all Will here been collecting for a couple of years now although sold collection year and a half ago so back to building it up again ( a mistake i wont make again) currently using Elmo ST1200D for 8mm and Elf slimline for 16mm. Have had the pleasure of meeting some of you im sure at Blackpool. Love Horror and would love to grow my collection in super 8 of this. Anyway nice to be here this will be a great forum :)

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Will Fleming
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#4 by David Hardy ( deleted ) , Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:27 pm

Hi folks Dave Hardy here.
I have been collecting FILMS since I was a young boy around 1966. I have many film projectors in various gauges.
I collect Standard 8mm / Super 8mm / 9.5mm / 16mm and 35mm sound and silent.
I used to be a full time Cinema Film Projectionist for around 40+ Years. I started in the trade aged 15 years as an Apprentice Projectionist.
I look forward to posting some stuff and of course reading yours and talking to others.

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David Hardy

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#5 by Steve Bales , Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:32 pm

Hi All,
I've been collecting Film for 20+ years now. My passion for film Started Back in High School in the Audio Visual classes and 35mm Photography. Worked one summer repairing and cleaning 16mm projectors for the school district. My first films were 8 mm silent Blackhawks borrowed from the local Library. Owned a few 8mm films but quickly made the jump into 16mm with my first projector bought at a auction for 30 dollars. After years of collecting 16mm films, mostly Saturday morning cartoons and features made after 1980, I acquired my first 35mm projector , A Marin MP-30 Portable that I have since modified with a DTS and Dolby Digital Reader and a Kelmar Film Cleaner. I'm running off of a DTS XD10 processor, Dolby CP-65 and Dolby DA 20 ran through my home stereo receiver. My main 16mm Projectors are a pair of Eiki Slimlines with modified BUHL lenses attached to the prime lenses for 4X image on screen. I collect mainly 35mm features and trailers now but occasionally will pick up a 16mm title.

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Steve Bales
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#6 by Daniel Tollick , Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:25 pm


I have been collecting for a very short time of 6 months I currently have about 9 films on 8mm none are full movies just digests. And I am the proud owner of a 35mm black and white copy of the oblong box!

I have only one projector that's silent and that has a max of load of 400ft :( I would love one with a larger reel size and sound soon!

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Daniel Tollick  
Daniel Tollick
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#7 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:22 pm

Welcome Daniel; I am a big fan of Eumig projectors; I have had mine exactly 40 years, and still working perfectly. I wasn't familiar with 'The Oblong Box' so went on to IMDB to read a synopsis. Sounds like a great movie.

Robert Crewdson
Last edited Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:25 pm | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#8 by Daniel Tollick , Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:43 pm

Thank you Robert. Yes I got it for only £50 and it's in great condition.

Daniel Tollick  
Daniel Tollick
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Date registered 08.04.2015

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#9 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:36 pm

Not usually my type of viewing , but this sounds like a movie that I would enjoy.

Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#10 by Timothy Duncan ( deleted ) , Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:19 am

Hello everyone! I'll try to be brief here. I've been collecting 8mm/super 8mm stuff for exactly one year now. It's so fitting that I have become obsessed with this stuff because I am a 1970's (the decade this stuff was in it's heyday in the U.S.) fanatic anyway. In short, I have one super 8 sound machine, two standard 8 silent machines and two super 8 silent machines. I don't know how many films that I have (at least 40, all digests), and a super 8 camera. I also have a small fortune in spare bulbs for all of the projectors. My favorite genre is horror/science fiction from the 1970's and the decades prior to it. I am 43 years young.

Vidar Olavesen likes this
Timothy Duncan

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#11 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:42 am

Welcome Timothy; nothing beats watching film in the traditional way.

Robert Crewdson
Last edited Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:43 am | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#12 by Vidar Olavesen , Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:07 pm

Lovely if more wrote a little about themselves (not a requirement) ... Easier to get to know each I feel.


Vidar Olavesen
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Date registered 08.02.2015
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#13 by Hugh Thompson Scott ( deleted ) , Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:54 pm

Hi , my name is Hugh Scott, resident bad guy of previous forums, I have made a pledge not to mention politics, which is hard
for a self opinionated sod like me, but I gave my word. I am dyed in the wool film, love it,I got into it when leaving school, bought my first films when I started work in '69, little silent films that sell now for silly money, I like DVD too, ( Vidar, put the gun down )
but love film , I have a history as a fighting union man who stuck up for my workforce, even got the office workers to join, but I digress,
If there is any way I can help any forum member, I will, my bark is worse than my bite, If there is any way I may be of service, let me know. I dearly love standard 8mm. I now am retired as such, but work still continues in people wanting jobs done and my own.

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Hugh Thompson Scott
Last edited Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:03 pm | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#14 by Vidar Olavesen , Fri Aug 21, 2015 6:32 pm

Hope you all take your time and tell us a little about yourself and your interests. The more we know about each other, the better friends we can become (I think and hope)


Vidar Olavesen
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Date registered 08.02.2015
home: Sarpsborg, Norway
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#15 by Panayotis A. Carayannis ( deleted ) , Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:26 pm

I have been collecting films for 54 years,since I pestered my dad into buying me a projector and some films when I was 10! I was buying the usual std 8 silents from the various shops existing then.Castle Abbott and Costellos and Film Office Laurel and Hardys and Chaplins.From a young age I was interested in cinema history and had started buying MOVIE MAKER and FILMS IN REVIEW so,when I read about Walton releasing the first Tom and Jerries,in std 8 color and sound,in 1972, I became a serious and earnest collector,first buying the first batch of 8 cartoons and then,an Eumig 810 HQS.And I haven't stopped since. For reasons of sanity,space and not going bankrupt,I have limited myself to 8mm only (std and super).So far,I have over 3500 titles.That is from trailers to shorts,features and serials.In addition I have an equally big filmbook and magazine library which includes most of the collectors' magazines from the "golden era",the seventies and eighties,till now. I guess,when I die I will have a big pyramid built which will include all my collections to enjoy forever!

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Panayotis A. Carayannis

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#16 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:00 pm

That's a great collection, no shortage of entertainment in your house.

Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#17 by Vidar Olavesen , Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:35 pm

Still hoping some more would write a little about themselves (It's not an order, just a wish) ... Very nice to get to know which formats people are most interested in and how the "madness" started :-)

Long live "madness", it's what makes the world a better place for me

Vidar Olavesen
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#18 by Timothy Duncan ( deleted ) , Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:48 pm

I agree with Vidar. It would be nice to hear from more members, as we are interested in getting to know everyone. Even if your collection is small or just beginning, don't feel intimidated.

Timothy Duncan

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#19 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:03 pm

Panayotis, you emulate all my future ambition there with your closing statement.

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Andrew Woodcock

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#20 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:12 pm

Hugh, both myself and my great late father, a devout and dedicated Sogat F.O.T.C, would be and indeed are very impressed by your political and every day life ethics and social standing.
Your kind sadly, are all too lacking in today's modern cut throat "dog eat dog" workplace.

Which BTW is, Quite frankly, unrecognizable from when I first started in a factory in 82.

Andrew Woodcock
Last edited Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:13 pm | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#21 by Douglas Warren ( deleted ) , Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:21 pm

My interest in film goes back to when I was five watching my Father lace up the Kodak Brownie projector to show our home movies.This would have been in 1967.When I turned 16 I purchased my first projector,a Bell & Howell Lumina Dual-8. I dropped out of the hobby a year later but returned in 1986 with the purchase of my first sound projector: a Eumig Mark S-712. I amassed a collection of digests and short subjects over the next five years.1990 was my last active year and I sold off my film collection in 1995. Last year after obtaining my late Father's old collection of 8 mm movies from storage,the bug hit again and I've been active ever since. I own several projectors,most of which I pick up needing TLC and bring back to life (if possible.) Recently I made the insane (joking) decision to test the waters of 16 mm films and equipment. Film collecting is like many things in life: once it gets into your blood it never fully goes away.

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Douglas Warren

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#22 by Timothy Duncan ( deleted ) , Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:41 pm

I never expected to get 'obsessed' (for lack of a better term) with projectors and film. I bought that first projector just to add to my collection of 70's stuff. I didn't figure on accumulating films, projector bulbs, or other machines! I've learned a good deal about this world of film projection in a years time. Not to mention the communication I now have with like minded fellows from around the world. I can't think of another hobby that could've (in my opinion) enriched my life the way that this one has.

The following members like this: Clyde Miles, Vidar Olavesen and Mats Abelli
Timothy Duncan

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#23 by David Ollerearnshaw , Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:48 pm

Panayotis had better watch out for tomb robbers.

David Ollerearnshaw
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#24 by David Ollerearnshaw , Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:08 pm

I started in super 8 just after starting my first job. Ordered my projector through my boss who claimed VAT at 25% back for me. That would be 1975 I think. The projector after much looking at the models available was ST1200 M/O. Not sure when, but bought GS1200 at £650 and sold the ST. I now have GS1200 ST1200 Fumeo 9 Two Elf 16mm and a none working B&H.

Films like most collectors vary from trailers to full features. A lot of my shorts are made up on to 800ft reels, these comprise a serial episode, adverts, trailers, Look at Life type and a cartoon. The full supporting programme. Also when Portland were closing I bought quite a few of the 200ft extracts and mounted these on entertainment reels on 600 or 800ft reels. My features are all mounted on large reels from 1200ft to 2400ft.

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David Ollerearnshaw
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#25 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:20 pm

Timothy this is an obsession, often needing a reality check... but you're right. It is so easy to get RIGHT into this hobby given the passion and sheer devotion shown by our vintage collectors here and elsewhere.

My only advice in view of speaking to one or two of my favourite all time collectors is, Dont stretch beyond what you can honest afford and don't put film or anything else for that matter EVER before the main things in life.

wife, Family & Friends in that order first and foremost always!

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Andrew Woodcock


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