Texas Chainsaw Massacre II

#1 by Vidar Olavesen , Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:03 pm

A non subtitled 35mm print is currently on auction (for sale, but it turned into an auction) ... Current bid is a little over 300,- NOK (a bit under 30 GBP)

Ends Monday 16 November

Now 30 GBP is the high bid

Vidar Olavesen
Posts: 5.757
Points: 13.106
Date registered 08.02.2015
home: Sarpsborg, Norway
ThankYou 357

RE: Texas Chainsaw Massacre II

#2 by Hugh Thompson Scott ( deleted ) , Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:21 am

If it was on a gauge I used Vdar, I'd snap it up, what a bargain.

Hugh Thompson Scott


WTB: Leader for 9.5mm
WTB: Split reel

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