WTB: Leader for 9.5mm

#1 by Vidar Olavesen , Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:21 pm

Anyone know where to buy som leader for 9.5mm? I have a few prints with no leaders at all and would love to fix that :-)

Vidar Olavesen
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RE: WTB: Leader for 9.5mm

#2 by Jacob Delaney , Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:34 pm

Isn't/wasn't there a group perforating 9.5 film from 35mm? If they have a perforation cutter then they should be able to make leader cheaply from plain acetate sheets.

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Jacob Delaney  
Jacob Delaney
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RE: WTB: Leader for 9.5mm

#3 by Vidar Olavesen , Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:40 pm

No links to it? I'll try to search a bit

Vidar Olavesen
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RE: WTB: Leader for 9.5mm

#4 by Jacob Delaney , Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:51 pm

http://littlefilm.org/ If you scroll down you'll find this:
"And if anyone is still shooting on 9.5mm, Graham Newnhame in Southampton, England is selling Velvia reformatted for 9.5 in both types of cartridge, too! Find him at Graham Newnhame.."

I remember hearing about this at least a couple years ago so I don't know if it's being done anymore or not.

Vidar Olavesen sais Thank You!
Jacob Delaney  
Jacob Delaney
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RE: WTB: Leader for 9.5mm

#5 by David Hardy ( deleted ) , Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:30 pm

Vidar just go to ... www.pathefilm.uk that will get you right on Grahame Newnham's site and sales lists.
He sells 9.5mm leader in 15m / 50 ft £ 4.95p or 30m / 100ft lengths £ 8.95p.
Other bits and bobs too.

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David Hardy

RE: WTB: Leader for 9.5mm

#6 by Vidar Olavesen , Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:43 pm

I think I might have bought my splicer from him. Will drop him a line


Vidar Olavesen
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RE: WTB: Leader for 9.5mm

#7 by Cinematograph ( deleted ) , Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:42 am

Vidar I have quite a large stock so if you get stuck I would be delighted to slip you some in the post new year, a late Christmas present.

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Vidar Olavesen sais Thank You!

RE: WTB: Leader for 9.5mm

#8 by Vidar Olavesen , Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:06 am

That sounds fantastic. Thank you, appreciate that

Vidar Olavesen
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Date registered 08.02.2015
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