35mm Split Spool Wanted

#1 by Ian Partridge , Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:10 pm

I am looking for a split spool with the large centre hole.

I have a 1,000' ft 35mm split spool with a screw-thread centre. I can't use this because the spindle hole is too small for the projectors I have. Unfortunately, the hole cannot simply be drilled-out to fit the larger spindles because the drill would cut through the screw thread centre and the reel flanges would fall in half!

Apologies for not knowing the correct spindle sizes. Perhaps someone has a suitable split reel or needs the one I have?


Ian Partridge
Posts: 97
Points: 259
Date registered 08.18.2015
home: Colchester, Essex. United Kingdom
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RE: 35mm Split Spool Wanted

#2 by Vidar Olavesen , Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:29 pm

I asked a guy here in Norway. Not sure he got any left, but couldn't hurt to ask

Ian Partridge sais Thank You!
Vidar Olavesen
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RE: 35mm Split Spool Wanted

#3 by Ian Partridge , Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:43 am

Good news. I have managed to broach-out the hole in the split spool to fit
the Portacine spindles. It was only necessary to make the hole slightly
larger carefully using a clock bushing broach rather than a drill bit.

Oddly enough, I have got two 100 year-old reels from a hand-cranked L. Kamm
1919 projector that fit the Portacine perfectly, including the locating pin
holes. They have wooden core centers.

I have drilled a hole in the split spool to accommodate the spindle locating
pin. Plastic cores, if they are going to fit the Portacine, will need to be
drilled out also. I believe I can use just one pre-drilled plastic core by
pushing out the existing cores on the feature reels, and inserting the
special core.


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Ian Partridge
Posts: 97
Points: 259
Date registered 08.18.2015
home: Colchester, Essex. United Kingdom
ThankYou 15

RE: 35mm Split Spool Wanted

#4 by Hugh Thompson Scott ( deleted ) , Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:38 am

Ian has just gave an object lesson in "I won't be beaten", well done that man, pleased it worked out fine, just shows with a bit
of savvy and a few tools how a problem can be sorted out.

Mats Abelli likes this
Hugh Thompson Scott


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