Trailers / adverts etc for sale.

#1 by Gwyn Morgan , Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:46 pm

I don't know if there is any interest in the following which I now have for sale as I'm trying to clear my shelves,and the 35mm stuff has to go so I thought I would offer it here first.
I have some forty plus trailers ,some foreign and some unusual they come as full trailers,or teaser trailers or combined.i am asking a pound (£1)for each one plus postage.there is also what was known as the gold spot of which I have numerous again one pound per reel .In most cases I only have one copy and nearly all are as new not even shown.
The raid.
Red dog.
Seeking a friend
Glorious 39
Loose cannons
Spanish trailers Unknown
Dark shadows
The wrestler
The good the bad the weird
Midnight in Paris
Girl with dragon tattoo
Angels share
Dark shadows
The serious man
Scouting book for boys
Imaginarium of dr parnassus
Bunny and the bull
How to loose people ans alienate people
Julie and Julia
The lady
Miss Bala
Sky tv at xmas movies
Son Frere
My afternoon with marguerite
Disney gold spot prince caspien
Cars gold spot
Pizza Hut gold spot
Ee gold spot
Ice age 4
Of time and the city
Dean spanley
I've loved you so long
Another earth
After the wedding
I also have old advert marked "orange" and half a dozen trailers that I don't know Titles of so pot luck.
I also have an unused " intermission " trailer as new which is £5 plus postage
Also I have a music video of " Charlie's Angels " sung by Destinies Child for £20 plus postage.
Any one interested pm me obviously if you live in the West Country perhaps we could work out a way to get them shifted without postage.Im afraid I'm not sending outside of uk as there could be questions asked even now as to why 35mm is being shifted.Sorry about that.
Finally I am open to offers for the whole lot so get in quick if you want this lot.

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Gwyn Morgan
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Date registered 08.03.2015
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RE: Trailers / adverts etc for sale.

#2 by Gwyn Morgan , Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:33 am

All gone sorry no longer for sale📽

Gwyn Morgan
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RE: Trailers / adverts etc for sale.

#3 by Vidar Olavesen , Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:36 pm

Not to feel sorry, it's a good thing they got a new home :-) Glad to see you got response

Gwyn Morgan sais Thank You!
Vidar Olavesen
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RE: Trailers / adverts etc for sale.

#4 by Gwyn Morgan , Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:30 pm

Thanks Vidar yes gone to good home,will be made use of,although I must admit I kept the Charlie's Angels music video.📽📽

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Gwyn Morgan
Posts: 1.646
Points: 5.073
Date registered 08.03.2015
home: Devon
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