Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#1 by Tom Photiou , Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:58 pm

Received this item today at a fantastic price, (just goes to show how often prices are just made up out of thin air).
This is simply a very well made film by an excellent British director, Alan Parker and the cast is made up of some of the best actors. Tense, atmospheric and never a dull moment.
This print is like new, it is in excellent shape throughout and is probably, price wise, by far the best purchase of my 16mm collecting to date. Less than £80 and that included postage. It doesn't get any better than this.
These images are from reel one only as i couldn't be bothered to take any more, this is a film that requires the audience to watch it, not play about with a camera all the way through.
A top title and a great film, this one is an absolute keeper. These images really do not do it justice, the greens are deep as are all the colours.

Here is the plot with the aid of wiki,
In 1964, three civil rights workers — two Jewish and one black — go missing while organizing a voter registry for African Americans in Jessup County, Mississippi. The FBI sends two agents, Rupert Anderson, a former Mississippi sheriff, and Alan Ward, to investigate. The pair find it difficult to conduct interviews with the local townspeople, as Sheriff Ray Stuckey and his deputies exert influence over the public, and is linked to a branch of the Ku Klux Klan. The wife of Deputy Sheriff Clinton Pell reveals to Anderson in a discreet conversation that the three missing men have been murdered. Their bodies are later found buried in an earthen dam. Stuckey deduces Mrs. Pell's confession to the FBI and informs Pell, who brutally beats his wife in retribution.
Anderson and Ward devise a plan to indict members of the Klan for the murders. They arrange a kidnapping of Mayor Tilman, taking him to a remote shack. There, he is left with a black man, who threatens to castrate him unless he speaks out. Tilman gives him a full description of the killings, including the names of those involved. The abductor is revealed to be an FBI operative assigned to intimidate Tilman. Although his statement is not admissible in court due to coercion, Tilman's information proves valuable to the investigators.
Anderson and Ward exploit the new information to concoct a plan, luring identified KKK collaborators to a bogus meeting. The Klan members soon realise that they have been set up, and leave without discussing the murders. The FBI then concentrate on Lester Cowens, a Klansman of interest who exhibits a nervous demeanor, which the agents believe might yield a confession. The FBI pick him up and interrogate him. Later, Cowens is at home when his window is shattered by a shotgun blast. After seeing a burning cross on his lawn, he attempts to flee in his truck, but is caught by several hooded men who intend to hang him. The FBI arrive to rescue him, having staged the whole scenario; the hooded men are revealed to be other agents.
Cowens, believing that his fellows Klansmen have threatened his life because of his admissions to the FBI, incriminates his accomplices. The Klansmen are all charged with civil rights violations, as this can be prosecuted at the federal level. Most of the perpetrators are found guilty and receive sentences from three to ten years in prison, with the exception of Stuckey, who is acquitted of all charges. Tilman is later found dead by the FBI in an apparent suicide. Mrs. Pell returns to her home, which has been completely ransacked by vandals, and resolves to stay and rebuild her life, free of her husband. Before leaving town, Anderson and Ward visit an integrated congregation, gathered at an African-American cemetery, where the black civil rights activist's desecrated gravestone reads, "Not Forgotten".

Looking for, Joe Kidd / The Outlaw Josey Wales on 16mm. Good prints only.

The following members like this: Bill Phelps, Del Phillipson, Mats Abelli, Greg Perry and Paul Wilson
Tom Photiou
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Date registered 08.14.2015
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Last edited 10.20.2018 | Top

RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#2 by David Skillern , Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:15 pm


I saw this and didn't bid as i had just bought a few prints from Mr Guest. This is a keeper and a cracking print by the photos and wonderful performances - well done.

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RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#3 by Tom Photiou , Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:27 pm

The problem at the moment is that there is some stonking stuff up for sale, my budgets are limited to what i have from my own sales and as you know, i wont pay OTT prices regardless of the title, i was simply lucky with this one. It is a great print and an excellent movie all round.
If the secret be known, this is now handed over as it will be xmas pressy for me from two of my family, that means i get my funds back for another title

Looking for, Joe Kidd / The Outlaw Josey Wales on 16mm. Good prints only.

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Tom Photiou
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RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#4 by David Skillern , Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:31 pm

Good for you mate - I'm looking at the same sellers stuff on ebay now - but i have to save a bit now for Blackpool !!

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RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#5 by Vidar Olavesen , Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:15 pm

Looks brilliant and a fine film too

Well done

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RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#6 by Robert Crewdson , Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:47 pm

Cracking print Tom; you were very lucky to get a print of this quality, with perfect colour at that price. You have been very fortunate with your 16mm purchases. There are still bargains out there.

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Robert Crewdson
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RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#7 by Tom Photiou , Sun Oct 21, 2018 12:15 am

I think at the moment people just seem to have gone crazy with what they seem to want to pay. Had this movie reached a certain price i would have just stopped bidding. Even if i didn't buy any more 16s now i think i can say i have been able to get some pretty good titles, and all in great shape. i do get a bit mad when i see mediocre titles going for hundreds.
I have an idea that this one was simply pure luck on my behalf but i am very pleased.

Looking for, Joe Kidd / The Outlaw Josey Wales on 16mm. Good prints only.

The following members like this: Mats Abelli and Robert Crewdson
Tom Photiou
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RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#8 by Robert Crewdson , Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:53 am

I received my film yesterday as well; it's Eastman, but looks like it will still have a decent amount of colour. Only had time to lubricate and check, so that's tonight's viewing sorted. I've now got up to about 54 16mm features, never expected it to reach that figure. I really need to stop now unless something extra special comes along. I've got almost everything I always wanted on film.

The following members like this: Mats Abelli, Del Phillipson, Greg Perry and Tom Photiou
Robert Crewdson
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RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#9 by Tom Photiou , Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:14 am

"need to stop now",, yes i believe those are also my famous last words to Robert.
something else keeps popping up though.

Looking for, Joe Kidd / The Outlaw Josey Wales on 16mm. Good prints only.

The following members like this: Mats Abelli, Robert Crewdson, Del Phillipson and Greg Perry
Tom Photiou
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Date registered 08.14.2015
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RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#10 by Mats Abelli , Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:08 am

It´s easy to stay "I will stop now", but always something pops up. I´m now housing 50+ 35mm features, 50 + 16mm features, 50+ 8mm features and maybe a thousand shorts on all formats. I don´t believe that I can stop buying, but I have to start selling off, films, that don´t interest me that much. I have loads of educational films, that are not "my cup of tea". Only history and geographic films (travelogues etc. ) will be kept.

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RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#11 by Robert Crewdson , Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:45 am

That's some collection Mats. I've lost count of the number of times I promised the wife it was the last film. Previous time I bought a comedy, and my answer to the wife was 'This is a very special film to me', now it's 'this is my favourite Flynn movie'. She said we would be better off without the Internet so I couldn't keep finding films . Like you have both said, it's impossible to set a limit. Sometimes you think that if you let a certain title go, you can say goodbye, because the next time it turns up it could be splicey, scratchey, or have short titles, so you have to grab it. i think Tom has reached his original limit, and still looking. We only live once, so go for it.

The following members like this: Del Phillipson, Mats Abelli and Greg Perry
Robert Crewdson
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RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#12 by Tom Photiou , Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:28 pm

Mats 50 35mm features!!!! That would take my whole house i reckon. Do you by chance have a barn?

Looking for, Joe Kidd / The Outlaw Josey Wales on 16mm. Good prints only.

The following members like this: Mats Abelli and Robert Crewdson
Tom Photiou
Posts: 5.889
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Date registered 08.14.2015
home: Plymouth. UK
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Last edited 10.21.2018 | Top

RE: Mississippi Burning. LPP Polyester print. Uncut version.

#13 by Mats Abelli , Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:39 pm

No barn unfortunately, Tom. I tought that I will have plenty of room, when I built my home cinema 4 years ago, but I didn´t know that I should become a 35 mm collector. When I found an ad for a collection and negotiated the price to appx £ 400 for 40 features, I couldn´t resist. Who can resist a ton of films at that price? ( By the way, the seller had the collection in a barn )

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