My Dear Killer, Scope 1972 Italian Thriller

#1 by Tom Photiou , Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:27 pm

Today at last I got around to screening this unusual Italian horror film from 1972.
As Clive said, this film was shot in technochrome, i must admit that I myself have not heard of this before. The first bit of good news is there is no fade, colours are all fine. The print does have a “different” look to it and I’m not too sure how to describe it. The comparison I can think of best is, a good decent VHS to a DVD. It isn’t soft, the focus is sharp and like all 16s, you can see all the details, faces are clear and you can see all the wrinkles so to speak. The print is in pretty good condition considering how old it must be now. It looks like the pre title sequence in whole is a new repair section and it fits perfectly with the same frame and focus and perfect colours. Sound is excellent throughout and there is just a few splices. Only one splice has a slight jump but I think overall I would consider this to be a good print in good condition with very good colour, image and sound.
As Derann would say, it’s a “B” condition print.

A bit of an unusual item, this is the movie that many have copied in regards to the killing with an electric saw and it does look very realistic, I wouldn’t call it mega grizzly but it is pretty harsh. It is more of a “who done it” thriller than a horror film. The opening pre title sequence sees a detective, (I think) standing near a crane, the driver gets in, you don’t see his face, and starts up the engine. The detective shouts something at him and tells him to dredge “over there”. Then he lowers the huge jaws, picks the guy up and bites!! Then you see the body and separated head fall to the ground, titles follow. The film is with English language but clearly dubbed like an Italian western,

In Brief, (with the help if Wiki),
My Dear Killer (Italian: Mio caro assassino) is a 1972 Italian-Spanish giallo film directed by Tonino Valerii and starring George Hilton, Marilù Tolo, Patty Shepard, Helga Line, Salvo Randone and William Berger. The film was referred as "one of the best films in the thriller genre"and as "one of the best, most vibrant and well-designed products of Italian giallo.

Tom Photiou
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RE: My Dear Killer, Scope 1972 Italian Thriller

#2 by Mark Mander ( deleted ) , Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:34 pm

Never heard of this film but looks a nice print, Mark

Tom Photiou sais Thank You!
Mark Mander


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