Two trailers to films that dont need any introduction. One from 1968 and one from 2016.
2001 is of course the classic sci fi movie and this generous length trailer is the same one i had on super in scope but sold on due to slight fade creeping in, also, the image was not very sharp and the sound was only average. Now, a few yews on this great action packed trailer was offered to me in 16mm scope and i couldn't turn it down. What a difference, pin sharp bright image, glorious colours of which my images really dont do any justice to it, and superb sound doing full justice to the great music of Richard Strauss's Also sprach Zarathustra which via my old 70s Pioneer amp is fantastic.It also has a quote tag from the Times newspaper, (last image) which was not on my 8mm print.
The Hateful eight is the 8th film by Quentin Tarantino. We all about this movie, personally, i have not seen the full film. I think a lot of the publicity was also due to the fact that he managed to persuade Ennio Morriconie to do the score for and he also won the Oscar for it. A lot of people i know did go to see it and one of my mates fell asleep half way though while those who stayed awake seemed to be in two groups, it was either too long and boring or they thought it was great. At three hours i decided to wait for the blu ray but to this date have never bought it or seen it.
This trailer is a great scope screen filler. It does its job of making you want to see the movie, and for my home screen, What a title to have. It never did materialise on super 8 but even it did, it would not look like this. A great trailer, excellent quality and superb sound makes this another i had to have.
I cropped the second image due to me holding the camera at a scilly angle so ive straightened it up a bit