The Kentucky Fried Movie, 1977. Director John Landis

#1 by Tom Photiou , Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:34 am

This was a film which came up for sale, and again, another item i wasn't looking out for but for many years i have had both super 8 extracts from Major 8 movies so this was a rare chance to grab the whole feature film as the super 8 version is only around 35 minutes long when joined together. The quality of my two extracts was very good and had pin sharp image and good sound. The only problem i had with it was the poor editing on the fistful of yen print, the cuts were abrupt and one in particular was in mid action.
The rare thing about this 16mm print is that it is on Agfa stock so the there is no fade. Being a 1977 print i dont think there is many of these left. This movie wasn't very long to start out with, just 83 minutes, the print itself is in good condition for the age. It is mounted on a full 1600ft spool and a packed 1200 spool, so far i have viewed only reel one which had four splices, there are only a few minor lines here and there so if the second reel is the same i will be happy with its condition, on the down side there is one splice and here there is around three minutes missing which isn't too much of problem as i will rectify this later. This want mentioned in the listing but to be very fair to the seller, he has reimbursed me with a token discount.
I'm sure many people know this movie however, this being a theatrical print, (it opens with the good old "X" certificate) here is a run down of all the sketches in this movie, with the help of my friend wiki, i will add further information after i view reel two this weekend.

1 O'Clock News (Part 1) (:04) A news announcer tells the film's viewers the popcorn they are eating has been urinated in...Film at 11.

Argon Oil (1:13) A commercial for a company that found ways to produce oil from acne, Italian people's hair (taken from combs in their trash), and US fast food.

A.M. Today (6:05) A morning TV news show with hosts (Janice Kent and Michael Laurence) and several segments: a news correspondent, unable to hear the announcers, scratches his buttocks and picks his nose on-camera and a studio debate between a conservative and liberal pundit leads to obscenity. The show's astrologer reminds us that astrology is meant to support people who cannot take responsibility for their own lives. An animal segment introduces a "rare" hamster followed up by a gorilla (Rick Baker). The gorilla, which has been unable to mate, becomes progressively enraged by its female handler's explanations and suddenly tears off the handler's shirt. Studio hands try unsuccessfully to restrain the gorilla as it runs amok and smashes the camera.
His New Car (:24) When a man enters a car, multiple alarms go off. As he goes through a succession of actions (locking his door, buckling his seatbelt, and so on) the alarms shut off one by one until only one remains. Eventually he reaches down and zips the fly on his jeans. The last alarm then stops.

Catholic High School Girls in Trouble (2:00) A parody of sexploitation films, one highlight is a topless conversation among three well-endowed Catholic high school girls (Nancy Mann, Lenka Novak and Betsy Genson). Later, the school punishes them for breaking curfew by putting them in a jail where they are stripped naked except for brightly coloured bikini bottoms. With their wrists chained above them, they face the camera bare-breasted as their backs are whipped by a dwarf. Another is Uschi Digard's large breasts first being zoomed in and felt by a man (with squeaky-balloon sound effects), and later comically squashed against a shower door when he penetrates her from behind. A shocked teenager interrupts his intercourse when he realizes it is actually his girlfriend's middle-aged mother under the sheets. She claims people always mistake her for her teenaged daughter. Another teenager learns in horror that masturbation has made his hands hairy.

(See You Next Wednesday in) Feel-A-Round (4:52) A man watches a movie presented in "Feel-A-Round." The usher takes the role of the on-screen female lover. As she asks her male lover to smell her perfume, the usher sprays the viewer with said perfume. It eventually proceeds to chest rubbing and then to a lovers' quarrel. The latter culminates with a knife to the throat, but ends with a quick kiss. The cinema's announcer invites the man to also stay over for the next film – Deep Throat. The viewer runs away screaming.

Nytex P.M. (:35) A commercial for a drug that cures headaches by rendering the receiver unconscious.
High Adventure (3:01) A talk show's boom operator finds the French adventurer guest boring and causes troubles with his boom mike to both the guest and the host.
11 O'Clock News (Part 2) (:05) Moscow is "in flames" and nuclear warheads are headed for New York...Film at 11.

Headache Clinic (:40) A commercial hosted by Bill Bixby shows how a clinic's scientists demonstrate their headache-curing drug Sanhedrin by pounding on people's heads. The commercial claims the people are not affected by the pain.

Household Odors (:40) A commercial for household deodorizer, it claims if you do not buy it, people will humiliate you by telling you right in your face that your house stinks.
The Wonderful World of Sex (4:55) A couple plays a phonograph record of a how-to guide for sex. After disrobing to their underwear, the detailed record eventually instructs them to kiss and begin foreplay. After the male experiences premature ejaculation, the recording sends "Big Jim Slade", a briefs-wearing, muscular "tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs" to carry the woman away and finish her humiliated partner's job, backed by a vigorous choral rendition of the song "Heiveinu Shalom Aleichem".

A Fistful of Yen (31:34) One missile from the previously announced (Film at 11) dual Russia–U.S. attack is revealed to be Chinese-made. The Chinese government denies any involvement. The mastermind behind the attack turns out to be a Chinese Dark Lord named Dr. Klahn (Han Bong-soo). In a parody of Enter the Dragon, the UK government hires Loo (Evan C. Kim playing a Bruce Lee lookalike with an Elmer Fudd voice) to penetrate Dr. Klahn's mountain fortress and destroy his operation. Loo refuses the mission at first, but happily agrees once he is told he would get to kill dozens of people. The fortress is so organized it even has its own guided tours for their storage of drugs and weapons of mass destruction. When Loo is discovered, he first defeats Dr. Klahn, then an absurd number of warriors who keep appearing in waves. Big Jim Slade from the "Wonderful World of Sex" sketch reappears to loud marching-band music, and this time he frees the fortress' prisoners, who rush to engage in battle. Alone, he then performs various bodybuilder poses in quiet ambiance. In an homage to The Wizard of Oz, Loo is sent back to Kansas after his victory and learns it may have all been a dream.
Willer Beer (:58) A beer commercial featuring Hare Krishna monks.

11 O'Clock News (Part 3) (:05) Rams plagued by fumbles as earthquake rocks Los Angeles...Film at 11

Scot Free (:58) A commercial for a board game based on US president John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.

That's Armageddon (2:17) A parody of the then-common disaster film genre, with Donald Sutherland as the clumsy waiter and George Lazenby as the architect.

United Appeal for the Dead (1:42) A commercial featuring Henry Gibson for an association that supports keeping around corpses of dead people and still treating them like part of the family.

"Courtroom" (Part 1) (4:35) A spoof of a courtroom trial that takes every word literally and runs like a game show while "The Beaver" (writer Jerry Zucker) and Wally Cleaver (Tony Dow, reprising his role from the original Leave It to Beaver) get into trouble in the jury stand.

Nesson Oil (:14) A commercial for cooking oil in which a little girl is "cooking the cat in pure Nesson oil".

Courtroom (Part 2) (3:02) Beaver and Wally continue to make trouble, while the trial's "surprise" witness recognizes the TV announcer himself as the offender in a car accident.

Cleopatra Schwartz (1:24) A parody of blaxploitation films: A love and marriage story of a Pam Grier–like character (Marilyn Joi) and a rabbi (Saul Kahan). Despite their differences, they live a passionate life (highlighted by the couple sitting in bed with satisfied expressions, with her topless).

Zinc Oxide and You (1:59) A parody of classroom educational films it shows what happens to a housewife who has everything, who relies on zinc oxide; her things disappear one by one, with increasingly undesirable results. Among other things, her bra disappears and her breasts instantly sag under her shirt. Her car crashes through her house as it has no brakes, and her husband's pacemaker stops working. Eventually, the gas control valves on her stove disappear, her kitchen catches on fire, and everything that can stop the fire also disappears. The segment ends with a brief announcement of a later film in the series, Rebuilding Your Home.

Danger Seekers (1:02) A parody of the 1973–1974 television series, Thrill Seekers: Part-time airline mechanic, full-time daredevil Rex Kramer (Robert Starr) vows to take on the most dangerous situations possible "for the sake of adventure". Rex, wearing protective gear, walks to the middle of a group of African-American men playing Cee-lo in an alley and screams the racial epithet "Nig****!" whereupon he runs off as they chase him. (The name Rex Kramer would later be given to Robert Stack's character in Airplane)

Eyewitness News (4:24)
A couple stops watching the TV news to have sex. In a parody of Nineteen Eighty-Four's two-way television, as soon as the man exposes the woman's breasts, the TV news announcer starts stuttering. As the man continues , men from the production crew gather around the news announcer to gape and snicker. They scream when she reaches "the end", but the crew runs away in time when the suspicious couple stops and turns to look at the television. The news announcer resumes his report. Assuming it was nothing, they resume having sex. This time the woman mounts the man. The men from the production crew return to the news announcer. They share a collective orgasm with the woman.

11 O'Clock News (Part 4) (:09) The news announcer declares he is not wearing any pants...Film at 11

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Tom Photiou
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Last edited 03.20.2021 | Top

RE: The Kentucky Fried Movie, 1977. Director John Landis

#2 by Robert Crewdson , Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:46 am

Another nice print Tom.

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RE: The Kentucky Fried Movie, 1977. Director John Landis

#3 by Robert Crewdson , Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:57 am

I have never watched this film Tom, but had a look at a clip from a Fistful of Yen on Youtube, it was very good, also a title read Isle of Lucy (I Love Lucy)

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RE: The Kentucky Fried Movie, 1977. Director John Landis

#4 by Tom Photiou , Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:55 pm

Being a 1977 film, some of the comedy is quite dated and im sure the humour isn't to everyone's taste, personally, i love juvenile humour like this, especially the fistful of yen section, this and the last sketch are worth it alone, Benny Hill actually did a very toned down version of the amorous couple in front of the TV in one of his TV series, it was very clear where he got the ideas from. Some may be a little offended by some sketches however, the film is X rated so the clues are there at the start.
It was a shame that Major 8 didn't release another reel or two of this movie as they planned to but perhaps it wasn't a huge seller. Who knows.

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Tom Photiou
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Last edited 03.20.2021 | Top

RE: The Kentucky Fried Movie, 1977. Director John Landis

#5 by Tom Photiou , Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:41 pm

Reel two,
Again, very nice colours, a few lines as expected and disappointingly, two sketches missing but its only around 2.20 minutes, i will get this rectified.
Whichever way i look at it, this one is a whole lot longer than ther 8mm version,

Tom Photiou
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Date registered 08.14.2015
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The Hateful Eight / 2001: A Space Odyssey Trailers
The Living Daylight. James Bond. Flat theatrical print.

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